Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 7pm
David Hawkings (Chairman)
Penny Wignall (Treasurer)
Jane Laming (Secretary)
John Andow (Caretaker)
Pauline Alford
David Hyde
Sue Lewis
Ann Page
Geoff Shallcross
Pat Shallcross
Mary Wilson
Trevor Wilson
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Apologies for Absence
Eileen Beer, Nigel Brown, Jackie Hill, Sally Ann Murch, Wendy Short
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Minutes of 2019 AGM
Agreed and signed by the Chairman & Secretary
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Matters arising from those Minutes
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Chairman’s Report
David Hawkings thanked everyone for coming and presented his report, which is attached to these Minutes.
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Treasurer’s Report
Penny Wignall presented the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st January 2020, which are attached to these Minutes.Key points included three grants received in the year – £400 from Chittlehampton Parish Council, which was used in part to purchase new cutlery & crockery for the Hall. £800 received from Devon County Council, together with £122 from Chittlehampton Parish Council for the purchase for a storage shed.
In addition, we have received a £10,000 grant as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. We have also contracted with Devon County Council for the supply and emptying of rubbish & recycling bins.
Penny advised that the Friends of Umberleigh School wished to be represented on the Committee, which was welcomed.
Penny thanked Pauline Alford for her fundraising work with Atherington for the purchase of new defibrillators for both villages and suggested that Pauline may like to join Atherington Parish Council to represent Umberleigh, to which Pauline agreed.ACTION: Pauline Alford
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Fund Raising Committee’s Report
Ann Page advised that a number of events had been planned for the year, but Coronavirus had caused the cancellation of all of them. She stressed the importance of holding an event to bring the community together when regulations permit.
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Election of the Committee
Trevor Wilson nominated the present Committee to be re-elected, seconded by John Andow.
Mary Wilson thanked everyone for their hard work in the year.
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Any Other Business
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Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 28th April 2021, 7pm |