Art classes are run on a regular basis in the annex of the village hall by Colin Allbrook RI RSMA.
Held on a Monday morning and usually starting in October they run for 10 weeks before Christmas and then a further 10 or 15 beginning in January.
We cover different aspects of painting and drawing through demonstration, critique and individual help for everyone during the course of each class. Weather permitting we paint outdoors but often we are inside working from personal reference material.
Most chose to work in Watercolour or Acrylic so demonstration tends to favour these media although any materials can be used.
We usually have 8 -10 in the class but anyone wishing to join would be most welcome to this relaxed and friendly group and full details can be obtained by contacting Colin at colinallbrook@gmail.com or 01769 560041.

Umberleigh Village Hall
The Station
Umberleigh, Devon, EX37 9AB
Tel: 01769 540644